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Q: Can I bring a student that is not registered?
A: No, If a student is not registered they can not attend due to the facilities current capacity restraints.
Q: What is the Dress Code for the day of the conference?
A: Students are highly encouraged to dress in business casual or business professional.
Q: Can students drive themselves to the conference?
A: No, Transportation is provided for students.
Q: Will there be people directing students to the correct buildings and rooms?
A: Yes there will be group leaders directing the students during the conference.
Q: Will there be activities for counselors to do whilst the event is going on?
A: Yes there will be workshops for the counselors to attend.
Q: Will students need to bring lunch or will it be provided to them?
A: Students will be provided with a cooked meal from the university during the banquet.
Q: Can I leave the conference early?
A: No, Students can not leave the the conference. They must leave with their school.
Q: When will I get my scholarship?
A: The scholarship committee will be in contact throughout the disbursement process with scholarship recipients, for any questions contact the T.R.E.E Chairmen. Email located in the T.R.E.E Committees tab.
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